DESPA OK s. r o.

Strojírenská výroba

manipulační technika

Despa OK, s.r.o.
Kozelkova 272
503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou
Česká republika

Tel.: +420 495 484 502
Fax.: +420 495 485 188



The company DESPA OK s.r.o. Chlumec nad Cidlinou offers you cooperation in the field of production with NC and CNC working machines in the following machinery professions.

1. Lathe Work
- boring and turning mills – max. turning diameter circumferential 800 mm, front 1000 mm, max. turning diameter with side carriage 1250 mm
- centre lathes – max. turning diameter 320 mm, max. swing 490 mm, max. shaft length 1500 mm, max. flange length 250 mm
- flange lathes – max. swing over main saddle carriage 470 mm, max. swing over crossslide rest 270 mm, max. flange length 250 mm

2. Milling (orthogonal or continuous CNC control systems)
- max. axes travel X 1250 Y 450 Z 560

3. Boring (orthogonal or continuous CNC control systems and working centers)
- max. axes travel X 1600 Y 900 Z 1000

4. Drilling
- max. axes travel X 630 Y 400 Z 440

5. Grinding
6. Welding (CO 2, AGA MIX)
7. Flame cutting (autogenous, plasma)
8. Edge bending
9. Heat treatment
10. Painting

- steering and driving axles, axle housing for handling machinery
- battery driven platform trucks including modifications and special  bodies
- welded frames
- machinery production on demand i.e. working, welding, assembly (steel, cast steel, stainless steel, grey cast iron and ductile cast iron – workpieces up to 500 kg)
- spare parts for DESTA handling machinery
- handling machinery accessories (plough-share, crane jibs, protection roofs, assembly platforms)

Export makes up more than 80% of production volume.

Production activities:
Mr. Vladimír Holec
Tel.: +420 495 484 502
Fax: +420 495 485 188
Mob.: +420 723 075 993

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